Ballots and BS
We're heading into the last week before the midterm elections and the GOP is making good on their promise. Ninety million deep-pocket dollars are being invested in negative campaign ads, many of which started airing late last week.
One of the first, and a harbinger of the nasty campaign to follow, attacks Tennessee Democrat Harold Ford who is in a in a tight race for the Senate seat against GOP candidate Bob Corker. The ad casts Ford as a playboy with connections to the porn industry and, in one particular vignette, plays the miscegenation card pretty heavily. Thankfully, the national news media and both Republican and Democrat spokespeople have condemned the ad as racist and have demanded it be pulled from circulation.
Ford, when questioned a couple of weeks ago about his attendance at a Playboy sponsored football party to which the ad alludes, said "Hey, I like football and I like girls", or words to that effect. You go, guy.
It remains to be seen how much impact the upcoming barrage of negative advertising will have on the election. Traditionally, Americans claim to be turned off by negative advertising, but previous polls and election results indicate that the ads remain effective, so politicians continue to lambast each other and lower the level of discourse.
I'm still not calling this election, though I remain hopeful of a Democratic victory.
I like football and I like girls too. Okay, I don't really like football.