Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One Vote

My county offers an opportunity for early voting, so this morning I did my part to stem the tide of totalitarianism in America and voted a straight Democratic ticket.
We'll see on November 7th if the majority of the country agrees with me, and while I'm far from counting my proverbial unhatched chickens, I'm cautiously optimistic that some balance of power will be restored to the government.
The GOP continues to fight for their collective lives using fear tactics, their only real weapon, as seen in their newest, and most pathetic, television ad. At least they've dropped the pretense and are now unashamedly using Bin Laden as their spokesman.
At any rate, perhaps after the election we'll begin to see some positive changes in this country like an adoption of the suggestions of the 9-11 Commission, a minimum wage hike that doesn't cynically require a tax cut for the wealthy, a plan to save Social Security rather than a plan to destroy it, and some movement towards a viable universal healthcare program.
We may even see some accountability forced on the current administration in the form of hearings or, if we get really lucky, impeachment proceedings.
Hopefully, on November 7th, after the chickens have been counted, a great many of them will finally come home to roost.


At 1:50 PM, Blogger alamo54us said...

Drunken sailor? How dare you insult our troops who are dying every day in Bush's corporate sponsored war.
You sir, should be ashamed.
Why dont you support our troops? Why do you hate America?

At 5:21 PM, Blogger alamo54us said...

Absolutely. But the Republicans love building fences. They sure don't know how to build bridges. Just ask the rest of the world.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger alamo54us said...

Well, what did immigrants ever do for this country?
Oh, yeah...


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